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Welcome to Astrobotanica

Discover Earth 300,000 years ago as an alien biologist.

As a highly educated extra-terrestrial named Xel, you crashed your ship on Earth, while hunting for precious plant seeds across the galaxies. Now you have to focus on surviving in the challenging Pleistocene environment of prehistoric Earth.

Cultivate soil

Mix muck and mire with compost, mark out plant beds, supply water, and protect your breeding from hungry birds and nosy rodents.

Brew Tonics

Learn to mix plant-sourced ingredients to come up with various potions. Experiment to reveal the effect on you, others, and the environment. Manage your pantry according to your playing style.

Fathom Supply of Carbon Dioxide

Figure out and secure the supply of CO2 derived from plants, required for your alien breathing.

Enjoy exploring the whereabouts

Stroll the lovely surroundings, discover new places and pay attention to foliage as it may hid new, interesting plants for your research.

P.R.I.M.A.L. System

Shape your unique path through the gameplay by developing your character via the P.R.I.M.A.L. System, managing your character progression in six key skill branches.

Be smart in avoiding unfriendly animals

Don't face local creatures head-on unless you really want to. Rather, outsmart them using the terrain, and, utilizing the powers of your potions such as cloaking clouds, sticky goo, sleeping gas, or the ability to paralyze, among tens of others.

Meet and interact with Neanderthals

Break the ice with the local population of primal humans, and learn the basics of their language to communicate. Heal their ailments using custom-crafted potions and tonics, specialized for each disease or discomfort. Earn their trust and respect to receive tools and building materials as gratitude.

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Roadmap 2025

Steam demo


Early access


Astrobotanica™ is an open-world, relaxed survival set in prehistoric times

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ASTROBOTANICA will launch in Early Access in 2025.
Follow us, stay in touch and check back often for dev updates via Discord, Steam forums and the socials.

"I love the look of the game, and the concept of a more relaxed open-world survival."

"When I first caught wind of this gorgeous new survival game, I was immediately entranced."

"Astrobotanica is already giving me a little bit of a "more than it appears" vibe."